Sunday, September 2, 2012

27 August 2012

Baptism of Sister Sandra Astete and the twins.
Dear the family,

Haha.  I've sent you some pictures of the baptism. I look a little cold, because it was pretty cold that day!

This week has been really bitter sweet. Sister Sandra Astete (I thought her last name was Ostepi until I filled out her baptismal register). Her baptism was very, very sweet. I had the honor of baptizing her and while recently we have been working to make sure a member gets to baptize the converts, she beat me to it. It is always very special to baptize. I was a little worried since there was the Primary anniversary activity at the same time making a lot of noise a few rooms over in the gym, but when we descended into the baptismal font, all the noise seemed to just go away. I taught her what to do, and they opened the doors, and she was baptized. After she was born again, she stood there for about 6 seconds with her eyes closed enjoying the strong spirit that was poured out into her heart.

After changing she shared a little her feelings and spoke of how great she felt and that she is going to stay active for ever. The service was shared with two twins from another ward that is by ours, and Elder Avila , our district leader and his companion Elder Castillo that he is training. Those twins were crazy.

Wow, the time has totaly beat me... five minutes more... ummm

The bitter part was that we had two other girls who were ready to be baptized and they never got to be baptized. Their mom is a little bit of an impediment... she thinks we have lots of wives, and no doubt thinks we want to get married with her daughters... we were planning on looking for her and responding, when she says that, "Of course! You've raised them well.... wait just kidding really no, but the point is, is that we don't teach plural marriage. I think the real difficulty about the mom is the principle of tithing. Ysabel, the older daughter of 24 years started crying as we read the Book of Mormon the other day. She had been feeling strongly that she should be baptized and didn't know how to do it.. we read in 2 Nefi 2 and 1 and she broke down in tears because she felt the Love of God in that moment. We invited her to be baptized the next day, but the dad of one wanted it to be Sunday in the morning, and when Sunday in the morning came the mom got back....

We shall help them this week

Love Elder Johnson

 “No hay ninguna Otra practica
   Que tenga un efecto más saludable
   En la vida  de una familia que la de inclinarse
   Juntos en oración.
   Las pequeñas tormentas que parecen afligir a toda
   La familia adquiere Poca consecuencia cuando uno  se     arrodilla
   Ante el señor y se dirige a el en suplica.
   Al Orar, el amor entre matrimonio  se fortalecerá,
   y los hijos se verán bendecidos
  Con un sentimiento de seguridad, Que deriva de vivir  en un
  Hogar en donde reina el Espíritu e Dios.
  Los hijos aprenderán a amar a padres que se aman entre si
   Y  nutrirán  sus corazones  con un espíritu de respeto.
   Y así la familia crecerá con unidad en la fe.”
   --Presidente Gordon B Hinckley.

There is no other practice
That has a more healthy effect in the life of a family than to bow together in prayer. The little torments that appear to inflict every family have little consequence when one kneels before the Lord and directs himself to Him in supplication.
When praying, love between a couple is strengthened, and the children will be blessed with a feeling of security that comes from living in a home where the Spirit of God reigns.  The children will learn to love the parents who love each other and their hearts will be nourished with a spirit of respect and in this way, the family with grow in unity of the faith.

President Gordon B. Hinckley

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