Monday, March 28, 2011

28 March 2011

Dear Family,

Wow, won wacky week we`ve weathered. This last Tuesday, we got a phone call in the morning during studies. When I answered, Elder Hunsaker, the Zone Leader with Elder Huacaychuco,  asked me if I would be able to find someone to accompany me for the next few days. I said,  "Yes." He explained that Elder Stewart would go for a training meeting in Arequipa!

This is the same one that I went to a few months ago about New Years to prepare to train Elder Hernandez. So we were really excited for all the possibilities that were ahead of Elder Stewart the next transfer. Although secretly I was bummed since basically the invitation means that Elder Stewart wouldn't be my companion the next transfer too. We have really got along very well.

So he left, and I got to work finding people to be my temporary companions until Friday. Axel, a young man who lives in the same house as us was my companion normally after 9 until morning, and those of the day rotated. I counted yesterday and found out that I've had 13 companions in the days he was gone. He was about to come back Friday in the night, but there was some sort of protest and the buses weren't allowed to pass from Arequipa to here!

So he didn't get here for the baptism of the two 8 year old kids in the ward. Harold and Reina (queen). Harold wanted me to baptize him so I got to! It is always so great to be able to be the person to baptize. Such a blessing for both the people in the water, though much more for Harold.

This week's been a little hard for all that business, so I feel like I have to work super extraordinarily extra hard the next few days slash weeks to make up for all the slack. But that's ok, cuz I'll be able to learn how to work harder.

Elder Stewart completed 6 months here in Leguia, and was going to be training, so basically I was ready when they called us and told us that he had a transfer, at 1:30 this morning. For this reason, I'm really tired right now and I think it shows in the text.

He went to Ilo, a small city between Mocegua and Tacna. Liberación 2 is his area and companion as of yet unknown. My companion will be Elder Mateos, I think, which is Mathews in Spanish, I also think. Basically I am really excited for the next weeks and the new challenges that come starting with a new companion, and a little nervous. I learned with Elder Stewart how great it can be when there is a lot of companionship unity.

Also I have a little more duty to the other missionaries because I will be a district leader. Also nervous for this, since I have NO idea what I shall do. Elder Erhard gives me this counsel: "I'lltell you what you're gunna do: You're gunna have the most baptizing district in all of the mission". His second counsel was strive for obedience (by the way this is the Elder Erhard that went to BYUI and knows Katie Alvarez too!)

Si Se Puede!!

So next week I shall be able to report on all the amazing miracles that will have happened.

One investigator story. Cindy, and lady from the jungle area of Peru, or as I refer to her in my mind, Cindy of the Jungle, has progressed. She was part of the massive lesson we had in Veracruz which made me feel a little like Paul the apostle (but a little less) and she has been progressing. The goal is baptize ALL. Haha. It's just that she feels overwhelmed by our example of obedience... or that she can't even repent to be good enough. Trying to help her on that.

 Love Elder Johnson

Elder Stewart and Elder Johnson, last week together

Baptism for Harold and Reina in Tacna

Monday, March 21, 2011

21 March 2011

Dear Family

Another week has gone into the realm of the past. I feel sure that I will be coming back in a few moments. I've noticed that when I'm working, time flies, and when no, no. I really enjoy finding and teaching people.

Wow! I was ironing my shirt the other day and I burned myself pretty bad. Wasn't too hard to predict, since I was still wearing the shirt, but I forgot that part and left the iron against my chest for about a second and got an iron sized 1st degree burn. Haha. Goes down in one of the not so smart things I've done im my life. It's almost gone now though. Just the mark of the corner remains (after 8 days).

Hopefully the three pictures upload. The first is from the baptism! A little bit of a surprise it was. We got a call from the zone leaders and they said they had a reference of gold, who wanted to be baptized the same week. Ok that's fine with me. Junior is the man. He has been going to church since about December but in a different ward. So he is really strong with his faith. Really his parents have always been members, just less active. He started going to church again with his girlfriend. It was a little bit weird not knowing him really well before his baptism but it's ok. Another great person has been able to make a covenant with God to keep the comandments, take upon him the name of Christ, and always remember him, and has received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The second is of Elder Stewart and I. Duh. We found a path that leads from the main part of our area to an area known as Santa Maria. This is the path and I think it is quite pretty. I particularly like the two palm trees, the greenness, and the odd dog that wandered into the photo after I set the timer. Reminder that there are lots of dogs.

The third is a picture of Hijos de Leguia. When I first saw this area I almost gasped. I would love to be able to take a picture for real... with a ladder or something. Ooo maybe a big kite with the rig I made before leaving. There is tons of wind always. If only. It's ok. Also interesting appearing in the picture is the acuaduct for the farm fields, and a quaint bridge (there is no troll-- oo that reminds me of backpacking in Oregon-- haha)[a word of explanation:  we went backpacking in Oregon when Mark was about 13 years old.  He and Paul hid under a bridge and when Jeff, Eric, and William and went across, they jumped out and said "Who's that trip-trapping over my bridge."  It scared the younger kids."]

We had interviews with President Fernandez this week too! We got to the stake center in the morning, and waited with the other misionaries in our district and zone, along with Elder Boulter (who incidentally has the same shoes as me) and the personal secretary. When it was our turn we got to go in first together, then separately. In the time together, President Fernandez helped us out with the questions of contacting that we have had. Like how exactly to do it. Sometimes we just try to get people to agree to an appointment to return, but he told us that this first contact we have to be able to know if this person has been prepared by the Lord to talk to us. This new kind of contacting is a little like we did a few weeks ago, but much better. Although the large majority reject the invitation (which is extremely direct), the few who accept it are the best, and really the only ones we should have appointments with. We were charged to start having 15 to 20 baptisms every month, and I hope we can start to do that, and I plan on talking with EVERYONE in my area during the next change [transfer]).

He asked me also where I'm at 1 to 10. I had to lower my personal rating from the last time since I realized that 0 is a rock that doesn't do anything, and not Satan... which was why I put myself at 4 last time. But I'm improving. President Fernandez told me that the 4-5 range can do miracles for the Lord. Referencing Nefi and Lehi, the missionaries around the time of Samuel the Lamanite... 8000 baptisms in one part of their mission. I read Helaman 16:4 this morning and I really want to be able to be like that. Spend all my time bautizando, predicando, profetizando, enseñando, y obrando milagros entre este pueble [baptizing, preaching, prophesying, teaching, and working miracles among this peopl] . We shall see how close I can get starting with these next 7 weeks.

Next week looks like mmaayybee [we'll have some baptisms] but many of the really good looking [he probably means those who are progressing well with the discussions leading toward baptism] investigators didn't come Sunday, so that delayed lots of possibilities.

We had an appointment with a family: Pedro Santiago and Juana. In English that's Peter, James, and John-(feminine), and their sister, Magali. Needless to say we were very excited. The only problem they will have is that they have these properties out somewhere, and the association that somehow has some rights over the properties, requires that they assist meetings every Sunday in the morning... basically during church. If they don't go, they lose the property... So they basically need to sell it to go to church. Kind of a big problem. There are unfortunately lots of people like that.

As for how's my spanish, I think it has degraded a little. Expectable with us two gringos. We speak how we wanna and sometimes this gives me problems. I speak a little too fast for someone with such an accent, which makes it hard for many to understand me when I get all excited about sharing the gospel with them.

I hope we can keep on improving and bringing the truth to all.

Love Elder Johnson

Junior's baptism in Tacna with Elder Stewart and Mark and others

Mark and Elder Stewart and one of many dogs in Tacna


Thursday, March 17, 2011

14 March 2011

Dear Fmaily

Wow! That's pretty awesome and exciting sounding. Honduras. How's Eric's Spanish. Practicing every day with mom so he can speak with gente [people] when y'all (hopefully still is the plan) come up [down?] to Peru (because this is the real up side).

This week has been great. I feel like I write that about every week but it's true so I shall probably continue. First off, I forgot to mention the earthquake we had! Sunday I was reading the scriptures in my bed before church and everything just started to jiggle. I think the jiggle was from the bed. The house was shaking. I didn't really know what to think since it was the first I can remember feeling, so I sat there elated smiling and looking around. The people who we live with us called us to get out of our room and just when we did it all calmed down. Pretty cool though.

Completely different is the news that trickles to the missionaries about what happened in Japan. I caught sight of some newspaper headlines that said: The End of the World. a little bit breathtaking the fotos [photos].

I feel like I've passed a milestone. On one of the two pairs of shoes I have, the sole came a third off. Pretty sure that makes me not a noob! Looking for other shoes.. should be really really cheap since I'm here in Tacna.

Well you see the pictures, Ivan was baptized!!! I was so happy for him. He is the bomb. Unfortunately due to a little chaos, only a few members were able to come, but it's ok. The service was chevere. And especially baptizing him, saying the first part felt very correct, or right, or something like that.

Yesterday was a really, really good day. After the confirmation of Ivan, we had ward conference which was edifying. In addition 7 investigatores [investigators] were there which is always great. Not sure how to break the 10 barrier and have the goal of 30 go but working on it. The lady who we accompanied to go . . . is one who contacted us and said she wanted to join the church and everything is going great with her and her family. There's about 20 people who live in her house and they all seem to be really, really great, but the problem is getting them all together. We shall start with her, Andrea, and then her children, grandchildren, and the people renting. One of her daughters wants us to baptize her daughter, she unfortuately works all the Sundays but that will change.

I've been thinking a lot about D&C 50 []   and our calling to teach with the spirit, and also how much love and charity I have towards the people. I think I have been a little low.. so I've been working on these things this week. I really think I've been able to improve myself. I feel much more love for all the people, especially teaching, and I think they can feel the difference. With this work, I think we have been able to teach much more by the spirit. Notably in two examples.

With Giermo, who I have mentioned before, in the second visit, he told us he read, but later called his pastor who lives in New York. His pastor told him that it would be better to not confuse himself reading the Book of Mormon AND the Bible, he told us "I am not going to continue reading". Well I wasn't too happy to hear that but trying to have lots of love and follow the spirit, we had a great meeting with him. He told us that he will in fact read the Book of Mormon, and pray to know if its true. He is a racecar driver by the way.

With Katy, the first contact we had here was when she said that she was a defined Catholic and no way will change. You can come by to visit me but I ain't gunna change. I dont know... continuing the conversation felt like I should make an appointment with her and we went by. Visiting with her the... second time?... after she didn't read (didn't do her commitment/homework.. how in the world do you say that?) we read 2 Nephi 31] [with her.  That chapter is so powerful. She felt the power of the Holy Ghost strongly and at the end was saying things like "I want all of my family to be able to come and talk with you two." She said the prayer to end and asked for help changing and repenting and knowing if it is true.

Oh and yesterday we visited with Paula and her grandma. This family, well,  paula and her mom, were contacts, and were waiting for us with cookies (think I have mentioned them). Well her grandma told us when we came that she is definite, won't change, and that we can talk with her until we say something that doesn't line up with her beliefs, and then we are out. Well we started with a prayer like always, and taught the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She was nodding, saying that's right, and agreeing with everything. I think it was one of the most powerful lessons I have been in, and it felt absolutly wonderful to be the instrument of the Lord to bring the message to them. I knew that she was receiving a testimony of all my words by the spirit and thinking of D&C 50 during the lesson gave me lots of hope that I can get to be the missionary I want to be. She said that she will read, will think, and will pray, and that if she knows it's true will be baptized the 16 of April (lots of time because of  General Conference and the Peruvian elections).

 These kinds of lessons, I leave knowing I'm doing/fufilling with my calling.

Love Elder Johnson


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14, 2011

Elder Mark Johnson and Elder Stewart
Elder Mark Johnson, Ivan, Elder Stewart in Tacna

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

7 March 2011

Downtown Tacna
Dear Family,

How's the week going for y'all. It's pretty great here. Ok we didn't have a baptism this week but the next si o si [Yes, oh Yes]. Ivan is the man. Really is the best. He continues to be really full of faith and desires to learn and make the covenant with God that is baptism. He told us after fast and testimony meeting that he feels the same conviction as many of the members and feels like by this point he should officially be a member. So great are the meetings with him. He likes to ask questions really interesting [you can see the spanish grammar taking over in that sentence, I'll leave it in there], different than the normal.

Planning his baptism is our Ward Mission Leader who is pilas to work! We are getting slowly the ward's effort in the missionary effort.

Sounds like the ward is doing great! I loved to receive those letters from the young men. Eric's made me laugh. He drew a taco. Thanks Eric. But really they all made me happy.

Brother Jardine asked about zone conferences. ˇThat's when about 15 missionaries get together and meet with the MIssion President. We have them every 3 months, off set with our interviews with the President every 3 months. They are the best and I always leave feeling super animated [excited] to work 300 percent.

Also, our ward. The ward, is great. Even though this week we had appointments to go with two young men every day, only one showed up. But that's young men. This Sunday, I was thinking we would have to beg a little to find a pension [apartment]. What had happened wuz that our pensionista moved, and the planned next one (a non member.. o sea [or in other words]... future member) got freaked out a little I think and decided not to give us pension. Sooo.. the family that we live with helped us out until Sunday with our Bishop's family. Sunday the bishop asked for help with this and 4 families we really eager! We are gunna eat with 2 investigators and I have really high hopes that they will finally be able to be baptised by result of the small amount of extra money.

Elder Stewart continues to be the bomb. Oh I wanted to explain the picture with him. We went running this morning to pick up our clothes from the family that washes them, and I brought my camera. The 2nd day we passed this spot (it's about 300 meters from our room) and he said, "That's a noose." I have no idea why it's there.. but it's there.

[Someone] commented in the Dearelder [letters] about the portion of gringos y [and] latinos in our mission. My first district I was one of two. Here I'm companions with a gringo. There is another companionship that is pure gringo, and all the others have one gringo and one latino minus one pure latino. I don't know why there is this variation, but it seems to be how the Lord assigns his servants here for now.

What a week for McAllen Texas! That's awesome. Glad to hear that great things are going down in all the world. ≠Animos a Elder Wood!

Mom you asked me if I feel unsafe or safe or protected. I have never felt unsafe, though I have noted that I would in other circumstances sometimes returning to the room at 9. But there aren't going to be any problems with security.

I heard that Dad spent an afternoon in the temple. I would love that so, so much. Unfortunately the closest temple is about 20 hours away, in Bolivia, which kinda makes it too far to go and get back all on a Pday. The goal still is to have a temple is Arequipa. I dreamt the other night that we were building one in Tacna.

Saturday, two contacts in a row were pretty darn awesome! The first was a guy who had read lots of the Book of Mormon and wanted to learn more. He has a baptismal goal. The second contacted us asking for help. He too [had a baptismal goal?] but we waited for the second visit. The baptisimal goal is critical so they can have a reason to ask with faith by prayer, to know if our message is true. One thing we have to (mejorar en ingles [improve in English]........) improve is teaching about the fact that they CAN know by prayer (see James 1:5) and how important it is. The majority of people just ask and go on with their routine because they don't really believe that it will come, so [they] don't have the faith, sincere heart, and true intention that is necessary (Moroni 10:4).

This week I had a first. I asked a woman to get married. Not to me, but it was weird. To her boyfriend. Actually two different couples who are living together and have kids.

Love Elder Johnson


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pachamanca Recipe and other links


Pachamanca En Olla
Andean Harvest Pit Roast In A Clay Pot

Yield: 8 portions
  • 2 lb. Lamb, leg, or chops (optional)
  • 2 lb. Chicken, quarters (optional)
  • 2 cups Marinada Anticuchera (recipe follows)
Marinada de Cilantro (2 cups)
  • 1 cup Chicha de Jora
  • 1 bu. Cilantro, stems and leaves
  • 2 Tbsp. Raw Garlic Paste
  • 1/2 cup Huacatay leaves
  • 1/4 cup Canola oil
  • Salt, to taste
Tubers, Legumes, and Corn
  • 1 lb. Fava beans, in pods
  • 8 Heirloom corn ears, shucked, cleaned
  • 1 lb. Ocas
  • 1 lb. Purple Peruvian potatoes, whole
  • 1 lb. Fingerling potatoes, whole
  • 1 lb. Yams, white or red, whole
  • Salt, to taste
  • Pepper, to taste
  • Huacatay sprigs, as needed
  • Paico sprigs, as needed
  • Rosemary sprigs, as needed
  • Oregano sprigs, as needed
  • Spearmint sprigs, as needed
  • Thyme sprigs, as needed
  • 1 tsp. Ground black pepper
  • 2 cups Flour
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 2 cups Salsa de Ají Amarillo (recipe follows)
  1. Marinate the lamb in the marinada anticuchera for 12 hours.
  2. Blend all of the ingredients for the marinada de cilantro. Pour over the chicken marinate, for 1–4 hours.
  3. Soak the fava beans, tubers, and corn in water for 1 hour.
  4. Place the marinated lamb in the bottom of each pot, cover with a layer of potatoes corn and herbs. Place a second layer of chicken on top and continue layering the potatoes, corn and finally the fava beans. Pack the herbs tightly into the crevices of the pot and seaon the ingredients with salt and pepper to taste. Cover with a tight-fitting lid.
  5. Mix together the flour and water. The mixture should form a thick paste. Cake the paste in an even layer around the seam of each clay pot.
  6. Cook over a high flame for 35 minutes. Remove the clay pots from the stove and let the pachamancas rest for another 10 minutes before breaking the seam. Do not let the pachamancas sit or the contents will get soggy.
  7. Serve with salsa de ají amarillo.
Note: Any combination of the above ingredients can be combined for the pachamanca – one meat, two meats, or entirely vegetarian.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

28 February 2011

Dear Family,

We are baking here in the Tacnenian sun. So hot right now. Maybe that's cuz we are in internet. But it's great here- when it isn't noonish. This week we worked arduously. The next we shall too. There is a norma de excellencia [level of excellence]... a mission goal more or less in English, that is really really high for all the key indicators. The contacts goal is 540 and we did it!!!! We talked with 548 people this week. And I think 3 of them will be baptized.

It's been a great week.

Ximena y Maritsa se bautizaron [got baptized]! We found them my first week here, [they were a] reference from a member slash neighbor and they are the best best. I don't really know why they are so full of faith, but it is very impressive. They want to do the right and have come to realize by the Holy Ghost that the gospel of Jesus Christ in the way. In our third visit they told us they know.

Their baptism was a little crazy, their baptismal interviews lasted 4 hours between the two! But finally, yes, they were completely ready. Lots of people showed up, some 30 minutes [late] or more but it's ok since their neighbor who baptized them didn't arrive until almost an hour after the "start time". It was quite a good service.

We are visiting another investigator who is named Ivan. He is the bomb also. When we were talking about the importance of praying and asking God if the Book of Mormon is true and if he should be baptized, he told us he had already done that [prayed]. And while praying, received "a feeling... an impression.. something.. " in his heart that made him feel like he should continue learning, continue on to be baptized and [become] a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Two of our contacts from this week were waiting for us for our appointment with them (an amazingly infrequent occurrence) with crackers and an earnest yearning to learn (see SOL song). They are way cool, have a goal to be baptized, but it'll be a little hard cuz they don't have a ton of time. Eliana and her daughter Paula. I look forward to finding them again... but that too might be a little difficult. We´ve got another investigator who wants to put her life in order. She's had.. a lot happen and basically wants to change. Again since she works a lot, [it] shall be difficult. I think something that really impedes people is time, other obligations... not sure what I can do with that but maybe nothing.

This next week we are gunna start changing up our strategy of turning contacts into investigators into people with goals to be baptized. I am searching for what it is that we can do to be much better instruments for the Lord, but actually changing can be a little difficult. If those back home have suggestions, things they only learned at the end of their missions that they wished they always knew, or whatever... I might not get the chance to have a companion with lots of time for a while... so I would love the advice.

I'm not sure what's up with the mail here, maybe it leaves the offices in Arequipa really slowly... but I haven't gotten Eric's Dear Elders since leaving Arequipa... or anything. But it's ok. Patience.

In this next week we mmiiiiggghhhtt see a baptism, but probably not. The next yes.

I was reading in Alma 36 ish, and really enjoying it. These chapters have new interest for us here since now we are in a position to do the same work. After all the minor details of the day, all the running around, all the trekking, all the knocking doors, all the people we meet, all the appointments we have, all the everything, it comes back to whether or not when we talk with each person, they can notice the difference, and feel influence of the Holy Ghost prompting them to accept a day we can come back, and to be there. And when we come back that they feel the importance and understand how completely different it is. We were talking with a young person, and he told us that it really seemed right to him. Logical. But what he was feeling wasn't just the logical validity of the message we proclaim, but the veracity.

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ is of and directed by Jesus Christ, and that if we really repent, and live the gospel of Jesus Christ, we will live with the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and our works will become the things we should do, when we should do them, in the places that they should be done.

Love Elder Johnson

21 February 2011

Dear family,

A package?? Awesome! I wasn't expecting one till June... haha sounds like it might arrive in June.

Er...a pedometer would be pretty awesome.  I've been wondering how far I'm walking this week... feels like about 4 plus miles per day.

Ademas.. a ver... [In addition. . . let's see. . .] maybe a couple of pictures... talks from conferences... if possible little tiny speakers? Here in Tacna we don't have speakers for P day anymore. and any other space with candy! haha.

I shall raise up the rez [resolution on the camera] I guess, but if I go to 10 megapixels again I can't promise pictures every week due to upload time requirements.

How went this week? Super awesome. Don't even know where to start.

Now that I'm with Elder Stewart it is a little bit harder to talk with all the people... since neither of us are latinos, but it's all good since they almost always understand us. Between the two of us, we can always be understood. Also, I think now that they all have to pay lots of attention to understand us, they also receive the message better!

But I'm really enjoying being companions with Elder Stewart just like in the CCM. When I am tired and am having trouble getting myself to start talking with the people we are close to, he saves the moment and starts contacting. We are learning a ton and becoming better missionaries quickly.

Like I hinted earlier, we walk a TON. Also there is a TON of hot [heat]. The sun is super strong and the air unforgiving, but no is problem [it's not a problem] cuz when we knock doors, the people are really awesome. Well usually, they occasionally just close the door in our faces, but I don't mind so much now... wethering.

And that's the only problem.

In church yesterday, i was a little nervous and praying that the members would have the desire to work with us, since it seems that they haven't really done anything with the missionaries for a long, long time, but the people we asked to help us out were super willing to do so, and one member, Elvis, approached us and asked us when we were gunna go proseliting with him. Marcos told us that he has basically every day all day free, and Kenny almost the same.

Our new ward mission leader is John Wonkawonka. I really like his last name. He is almost 19 and preparing for the mission. Yesterday we did splits (when the two missionaries go with two members as temporary companions to be able to go to appointments that are far apart and the same time) with John Wonkawonka y Kenny. We were out between 3 and 8 and taught 4 lessons, and contacted 118 people. Really awesome day yesterday.

And the week in general. We set a record for both of us, 343 contacts in the week. I think I've passed 2000 but haven't added them up recently.

This week we have found 3 families that are really cool, and have been looking to basically find us. They are laiden with challenges, including getting married (all three... grr) but hopefully they can be willing to start to live this commandment in particular.

Also a lady Maritsa and Ximena her daughter are super awesome. We were talking with them about how one can feel, by the power of the Holy Ghost if the Book of Mormon is true, by reading it. And that by the same power we can know if the church is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God. Maritsa piped up and told us she feels it. That its all true. I was a little stunned not gunna lie. I mean... I just wasn't expecting her to already recognize that. Her daughter just said that she has a lot a lot of doubts. Here in [the[ University, there is a required class whose purpose is to convince the students that religion is a lie. Or at least christianity. It is always taught by a Jew, and leaves all the University students not believing in God. This is her source of doubts.

But in church, or after, she told us that now she doesn't have any doubts!! If all goes well, she will be able to make the covenants of baptism this Saturday with her mom.

Leslie is the other person who maybe this Saturday too will be baptized, but we are in need of a serious miracle. Our last lesson with her, we challenged her to read the Book of Mormon every day 5 chapters. If she really reads, and has been reading, then by now she has felt the change in her heart. She likes to learn the lessons, feels like they are true, but doesn't feel like there is need to be baptized.

Another distant possibility for this week is Wesley. A while ago he said he would like to be baptized, but he doesn't have support from his parents, or permision to attend church. And that's where we are with him. He is super awesome, and has a girlfriend in the church... which is a little bit of a challenge because [she] provides an ulterior motive that we don't want.

We are also teaching a 16 year old girl who is the bomb. Her name is Dulce, which translates to Sweet. She just needs to be able to go to church.We visited her the other day, and we asked her if she believes that the Book of Mormon is true. She said of course. Now that she has begun to read it, she really knows it is the word of God, and that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet by God and that the church really is the Church of Jesus Christ (read the first paragraph of the introduction to the Book of Mormon and the last 2 paragraphs)

Contacting this week, I was talking with a man on the bus. I gave him a pass along card (now my favorite thing) and when I looked around, the man on the other side of the bus signaled me that he wanted one too. Excited I went over and gave him a pamphlet (cuz I ran out of cards) and we got off the bus by chance with him. Accompanying him to his house, we talked a little bit and he said he wanted to go to church. I really think he has been prepared and is part of the white field that is ready for harvest aka our calling. (D&C 29:7 and D&C  4)

We work in Leguia, Techo Propio, and Habitat in Tacna Peru. And its pretty darn awesome.

Love Elder Johnson --  Rene